Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Week at Wayne State!

It has been a great week here at WSU. We had another Proxe Station up on Wednesday. This one was about stress and anti-stress. We got a lot of chances to talk with students about the good news that instead of a list of tasks for us to achieve, Jesus actually tells us not to worry. His burden is light. As well, God has ordained rest for us. We're doing the same station this Wednesday night in one of the dining hall lobbies. It's part of our large group theme that culminates in an evangelistic talk this coming Thursday night. Pray for the students we've talked with and those that will come to the talk.
Also on Wednesday I got to have what InterVarsity calls a "GIG" with a student. This is an investigative Bible study for a student who may be completely new to Christ. We got to have a good talk about Christ and the student's life experiences. Please pray for this student and our upcoming meetings. I also did some conversational evangelism with one of our students. We only had time to talk with one other student but it was a cool conversation.

Today was more excitement. During a discussion about how we could love the campus, one student suggested we could make some good food. Not only are many of the eating locations on campus closed during the weekends, but the ones that are open are pretty bad. We talked with our church here in our neighborhood about helping and they got a huge team of people together to make an impressive spread of food. Friends from a new church near campus came too to help welcome people and get to know them. It was such a sweet picture of God's kingdom coming together for his work.
We chose to have the meal in Ghafari. This is one of the two freshmen dorms on campus and the one where we had little presence last semester. We had an enthusiastic team, a lot of good food, and a lot of students came down. Pray for the interactions that came from the event and the small group Bible Study we have in that dorm this semester.

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