It's been a packed month since my last post. Generally I've been trying to wrap-up well, reflect, learn, and get a vision for next semester. I'll try to choose some highlights.
Our past two large-group meetings have been a bit of a departure from our usual. Two weeks ago we had an open mic night. Some students shared songs that are important to them, some shared scripture, some works of poetry, and a variety of other ideas.
This past week we had a potluck party with another group- Campus Crusade for Christ. Along with being fun, we enjoyed getting to know fellow Christians and hear how God worked in their semester.
My small group is coming over to the house here tomorrow night. Again, we're looking forward to not only having fun together, but looking back on what God has done in the past few months.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. They have been invaluable to this ministry and me. Please pray for our upcoming, week-long, national conference on national and international missions. Pray for the upcoming semester as well.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Can I Clean Your Bathroom?
Thanks for your prayers for Compelling '09. At the bottom of the page is the updated Compelling video that Jon remade for the conference. Enjoy! Everything went well. I'll give an update about it sometime but right now I wanted to pass on news of what happened on campus tonight.
We decided this was a good point in the year to mix things up a bit. Tonight our small group wanted to show Atchison, the dorm where we meet, some love. At this point in the year it seems like 1) Students have a lot of work and are burnt out, 2) They could use some comfort, and 3) People usually don't feel like cleaning when 1 and 2 are present. In light of that, we bought some cleaning supplies and comfort pastries and went door to door on the 5th floor of Atchison asking people if we could clean their bathrooms and give them some pastries.
I only say the 5th floor because the response was incredible. Almost every single person invited us in to clean for them. Most were completely confused as to why anybody would be interested in the task but thankful. We cleaned for two hours and didn't even get to half of the rooms on the floor. It was a great opportunity to not just tell people we loved them, but to show them we did and explain why.
As a result, not only did we get to have some great conversations with people, but one wants to check out our small group, one said she wanted to come to large group, and two guys invited Luke and I to come play Settlers of Cataan (one of our favorite board games) with them. It was a great time to enjoy working with each of the small group members as well. I personally enjoy getting to know people while serving together. I think it's an environment that encourages openness and fun.
Keep praying for the fruits of our interactions tonight. We planted some seeds and now we need God to make them grow.
Thanks for your prayers for Compelling '09. At the bottom of the page is the updated Compelling video that Jon remade for the conference. Enjoy! Everything went well. I'll give an update about it sometime but right now I wanted to pass on news of what happened on campus tonight.
We decided this was a good point in the year to mix things up a bit. Tonight our small group wanted to show Atchison, the dorm where we meet, some love. At this point in the year it seems like 1) Students have a lot of work and are burnt out, 2) They could use some comfort, and 3) People usually don't feel like cleaning when 1 and 2 are present. In light of that, we bought some cleaning supplies and comfort pastries and went door to door on the 5th floor of Atchison asking people if we could clean their bathrooms and give them some pastries.
I only say the 5th floor because the response was incredible. Almost every single person invited us in to clean for them. Most were completely confused as to why anybody would be interested in the task but thankful. We cleaned for two hours and didn't even get to half of the rooms on the floor. It was a great opportunity to not just tell people we loved them, but to show them we did and explain why.
As a result, not only did we get to have some great conversations with people, but one wants to check out our small group, one said she wanted to come to large group, and two guys invited Luke and I to come play Settlers of Cataan (one of our favorite board games) with them. It was a great time to enjoy working with each of the small group members as well. I personally enjoy getting to know people while serving together. I think it's an environment that encourages openness and fun.
Keep praying for the fruits of our interactions tonight. We planted some seeds and now we need God to make them grow.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Conflict and the Gospel
One of the things that has stood out during our studies of the book of Acts has been the way God works unesxpectedly. We repeatedly see the numbers of the young fellowship grow after unusual and sometimes intense events. Ananias and Sapphira drop dead? The numbers increase. Grecian and Hebraic Jews come into conflict over the care of widows? The Gospel spreads. It is this account specifically that moved the Wayne State felloship this week.
As we examined the passage we talked about conflicts and the Godly was to approach them. "What kind of approach do you usually take to conflict?" we asked each other. I sometimes find myself assuming conflict is a sign of failure. I see it as a message that I didn't handle a situation well enough to avoid a disagreement. That's not the message we see in Acts 6. God is and moves in positive conflict resolution. Depending on the situation this can look differently, but that's how God works. Evidence of His work and existence isn't in a lack of conflict amongst His people, but among the way His people resolve conflicts.
We also asked ourselves where we see conflictr in our fellowship. Dynamics between different ethnic groups was suggested as one of the largest hurdles we face. To address that issue, we've begun a number of discussions and altered our large group schedule as we work to resolve the issue. Please continue to pray for God's work to be evident in all of this.
As we examined the passage we talked about conflicts and the Godly was to approach them. "What kind of approach do you usually take to conflict?" we asked each other. I sometimes find myself assuming conflict is a sign of failure. I see it as a message that I didn't handle a situation well enough to avoid a disagreement. That's not the message we see in Acts 6. God is and moves in positive conflict resolution. Depending on the situation this can look differently, but that's how God works. Evidence of His work and existence isn't in a lack of conflict amongst His people, but among the way His people resolve conflicts.
We also asked ourselves where we see conflictr in our fellowship. Dynamics between different ethnic groups was suggested as one of the largest hurdles we face. To address that issue, we've begun a number of discussions and altered our large group schedule as we work to resolve the issue. Please continue to pray for God's work to be evident in all of this.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What is the Gospel?
I usually write about what's happening on campus. Today I thought I'd write a little about some thoughts that came out of our last staff meeting and how that is shaping my outlook for ministry here at Wayne State. It all came out of the question, "Is our Gospel too big or small?"
After reading a number of articles we gained some perspective of what was meant by these terms.
When communicating the Big Gospel, focus would be on... bigger elements. This isn't meant to convey a value judgement between big and small, but to help describe the idea. The big Gospel points the individual to the larger community and the larger mission. It emphasizes the individual's role in God's big plan. It sees things from a cosmic perspective. These aspects are positive but they contain drawbacks. Sometimes this expression can leave people feeling lost or out of touch with God. It can lack personal conviction. (As Luke said in a moment of discovery, it's "not as sword attacking." Oh Luke). There is a danger here to turn everything into the Gospel. There is a danger to lose the core of Christ's payment of our individual debt on the cross.
In contrast, a small Gospel connects with the individual's need for salvation and forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It's clear and straightforward. It is bold and requires a personal response. It calls for a personal relationship with Christ more intimate than any that can be experienced otherwise. This approach has its weaknesses as well. It can be easy to lose sight of our role as stewards here on earth when we see our faith as simply individualistic. It can lack a view of our role in God's story and His kingdom. Sadly, it can sometimes become irrelevant.
I hope this has spurred questions in your mind as it has mine. I have taken a new look at my ministry to evaluate how well I synthesize these two approaches to God's work in our lives and in this world. It's an encouragement for some of what I'm already doing as well as a challenge for changes that can be made.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
What Compels You?
In preparation for our Compelling conference, (see post below) my roommate Jon and I went on campus to interview students and find out what compels them in their lives. Jon took the responses and created this video . Check it out. The responses might surprise you.
"How's InterVarsity going?"
People have asked me lately, "How's InterVarsity going?" The consistent questions have helped me reflect and really think about that question. Here are some brief thoughts.
Small group has continued to be a weekly highlight. I'm always impressed with how students are taking time to consider how they can love their neighbors and their God. At the same time, it has been a joy to be a part of encouraging new spiritual growth and development in their lives. We're planning a mini-retreat the night of the 23rd to take time as a group to solidify our relationships and our vision for the campus. We're also looking forward to the Compelling conference November 13th through the 15th. It's a time for students from all over Michigan to gather and explore what it means to be a faithful witness for Christ in their lives on campus.
I had the privilege of speaking at our large group meeting last Thursday night. I spoke on the power of imaginative prayer and led the group through Jeremiah 30 and 31. More on that is coming in the newsletter I'll be sending out this weekend. If you don't receive it, make sure to send me your address in an e-mail at
I remember thinking in the past, "What do staff workers really do behind the scenes?" Today was a perfect example of finding the answer. I'm working on the "Philippians" track for the Compelling conference and spent a good deal of my time preparing that today. It was wonderful to finally have a day to sit down at home here for a big chunk of time to study and plan. While studying Philippians, the students in the track will be learning the basic elements of how to prepare a Bible Study. I'm looking forward to more small group interactions that weekend.
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Drought is Over
Many apologies for the lack of communication. The good news is, there has been so much good stuff going on that I haven't had time to get to a place where I can sit down and use the internet for a decent span of time. More good news is that it looks like we'll finally be moving into the new house tomorrow. This includes regular internet access and time to actually update more often. My camera battery charger will also be arriving soon so pictures will return as well. I do take seriously your commitment and interest in this ministry and look forward to be able to keep you in the loop as much as possible.
Some highlights:
Two of my main duties, leading a freshman small group and coordinating all the small groups have been huge blessings. I'm talking, literally blessing me. It has been so fun and exciting to work with the other leaders, share ideas and struggles, and equip them to lead on campus. We certainly need prayer for God to continue moving in us and our groups.
Small group has been so encouraging. We're studying the book of Acts this semester. Our focus is to reflect the community described in Acts chapter two; a completely selfless community sharing and devoted to one-another. Last week we studied Acts 3 and looked at the healing in Jesus' name of a man crippled from birth. Among other things we talked about how God has healed hurts and disabilities in our lives and how He wants us to tell our story and be a part of His healing of people all around campus and the city. A number of students opened up about some of the pain they have experienced in their lives, how that is affecting them now as freshmen, and what God is doing through them. I cannot understate what a privilege it is to be a part of this journey with them. To be in a group that is so open and supportive of one-another is a beautiful thing to see. I thank God for what He is doing in this group and the gift it is to be a part of it.
This has been a busy week. Aside from the usual small group, large group, and leader's meeting, we have been pressing on towards our goals. We do not want to be a group that settles after the first few weeks of campus our over. Tuesday, Luke and I, along with three other students, set-up a proxe table in the middle of the dining area in the student center. This is a tool to get people talking about issues that matter to them and to God. Hopefully, it leads to a chance to share the Gospel. Our theme was "Religion: Why I hate/love it." We had a board where students could write their response to that prompt. We had a number of great conversations with students and the students working with us who were new to this type of thing caught on quickly and did very well.
Yesterday we had an open-air preaching event. The idea was to present the Gospel in a variety of mediums in a way in-which students could relate. This is especially in contrast to hateful messages proclaimed on so many campuses every year. Again, great conversations started and a number of people expressed an interest in the message and checking out InterVarsity!
Some highlights:
Two of my main duties, leading a freshman small group and coordinating all the small groups have been huge blessings. I'm talking, literally blessing me. It has been so fun and exciting to work with the other leaders, share ideas and struggles, and equip them to lead on campus. We certainly need prayer for God to continue moving in us and our groups.
Small group has been so encouraging. We're studying the book of Acts this semester. Our focus is to reflect the community described in Acts chapter two; a completely selfless community sharing and devoted to one-another. Last week we studied Acts 3 and looked at the healing in Jesus' name of a man crippled from birth. Among other things we talked about how God has healed hurts and disabilities in our lives and how He wants us to tell our story and be a part of His healing of people all around campus and the city. A number of students opened up about some of the pain they have experienced in their lives, how that is affecting them now as freshmen, and what God is doing through them. I cannot understate what a privilege it is to be a part of this journey with them. To be in a group that is so open and supportive of one-another is a beautiful thing to see. I thank God for what He is doing in this group and the gift it is to be a part of it.
This has been a busy week. Aside from the usual small group, large group, and leader's meeting, we have been pressing on towards our goals. We do not want to be a group that settles after the first few weeks of campus our over. Tuesday, Luke and I, along with three other students, set-up a proxe table in the middle of the dining area in the student center. This is a tool to get people talking about issues that matter to them and to God. Hopefully, it leads to a chance to share the Gospel. Our theme was "Religion: Why I hate/love it." We had a board where students could write their response to that prompt. We had a number of great conversations with students and the students working with us who were new to this type of thing caught on quickly and did very well.
Yesterday we had an open-air preaching event. The idea was to present the Gospel in a variety of mediums in a way in-which students could relate. This is especially in contrast to hateful messages proclaimed on so many campuses every year. Again, great conversations started and a number of people expressed an interest in the message and checking out InterVarsity!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Campus life is in full swing! It has been a joy to see large group go well and small groups start. We had a great turnout at the picnic this past Friday and have a crew of motivated, enthusiastic small group leaders. Almost all of those small groups started this week so please be praying for students that are making the decision of whether or not they will commit to one this semester.
I was really excited about the small group I'm leading. The students that were there had no trouble bonding and eagerly accepted my encouragement to be active participants. This semester we'll be studying the book of Acts. This past Monday we looked at the end of the book of Luke and the beginning of Acts. We saw how much Jesus did to show his disciples that he wasn't a ghost or hallucination but real and in the flesh. The question "what evidence do you have in your own life that Jesus is real" brought out some great discussion. I'm sure more will follow as we continue this semester.
As always, time is short. In less than an hour I'll be attending the student organization fair, representing InterVarsity.
Sorry about the lack of pictures. They'll return once I get my camera charger from home.
I was really excited about the small group I'm leading. The students that were there had no trouble bonding and eagerly accepted my encouragement to be active participants. This semester we'll be studying the book of Acts. This past Monday we looked at the end of the book of Luke and the beginning of Acts. We saw how much Jesus did to show his disciples that he wasn't a ghost or hallucination but real and in the flesh. The question "what evidence do you have in your own life that Jesus is real" brought out some great discussion. I'm sure more will follow as we continue this semester.
As always, time is short. In less than an hour I'll be attending the student organization fair, representing InterVarsity.
Sorry about the lack of pictures. They'll return once I get my camera charger from home.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A quick, imprtant update.
Sorry again for the lack of updates. Internet connection is still spotty. This is especially true of today but won't be for long...
* I don't have much time today because I just got back from... my job at Starbucks!
* I have to go meet Ann (my supervisor) to talk about, among other things, the large group meeting tonight. We're very excited as Grace Biskie will be delivering the message. She'll be presenting the Gospel in a way that challenges Christians and is relevant and applicable for people who aren't Christians. There will be a call to faith at the end of the night. Please be praying especially for this.
* Our internet conundrums will cease in a week and a half when we move into our new house! Hopefully you've enjoyed "The House on Hazelwood" as much as we have. Stay tuned for Tyson, Jon, and "The Place on Pingre."
Much love, thanks for your prayers and support,
* I don't have much time today because I just got back from... my job at Starbucks!
* I have to go meet Ann (my supervisor) to talk about, among other things, the large group meeting tonight. We're very excited as Grace Biskie will be delivering the message. She'll be presenting the Gospel in a way that challenges Christians and is relevant and applicable for people who aren't Christians. There will be a call to faith at the end of the night. Please be praying especially for this.
* Our internet conundrums will cease in a week and a half when we move into our new house! Hopefully you've enjoyed "The House on Hazelwood" as much as we have. Stay tuned for Tyson, Jon, and "The Place on Pingre."
Much love, thanks for your prayers and support,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Freshmen Arrive!
The excitement has been building all week! Monday was Festifall, a time to meet new freshmen at Wayne State's activities fair. Members of the chapter were stationed at a table and wandered the crowd asking new students if they were interested in learning more about a Christian group on campus. We ended up getting the names of 106 students!
Tonight we'll have a "phone-frenzy" to remind every one of those students of our first large-group meeting which will be tomorrow evening at 6:30. There they will hear more about what InterVarsity, what our vision for campus is, and how students lives have been changed. This is an important time for freshmen to know that there is a community that wants to accept them, love them, and develop them into the people God made them to be. For now, I'm praying and ask you to do the same, for two significant relationships with freshmen who are Christians and two who aren't.
Yesterday I was officially hired at Starbucks! Thank God for this position. It allows me to supplement my funds, receive benefits, and develop relationships with students who frequent the store.
Tonight we'll have a "phone-frenzy" to remind every one of those students of our first large-group meeting which will be tomorrow evening at 6:30. There they will hear more about what InterVarsity, what our vision for campus is, and how students lives have been changed. This is an important time for freshmen to know that there is a community that wants to accept them, love them, and develop them into the people God made them to be. For now, I'm praying and ask you to do the same, for two significant relationships with freshmen who are Christians and two who aren't.
Yesterday I was officially hired at Starbucks! Thank God for this position. It allows me to supplement my funds, receive benefits, and develop relationships with students who frequent the store.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Students Arrive
Sorry for the somewhat infrequent updates. Internet access is somewhat spotty. Tonight's an exciting night so I wanted to make sure to I got some time to post.
I've been meeting with some of the student leaders and tonight we have a g
athering for all returning students. The student leaders have been on the phones all week encouraging people to attend and we're hoping for a big response. After dinner the student chapter president will give a testimony and describe the vision we have for what God will do at Wayne State University through InterVarsity this fall. Luke will then give a spoken word performance that dramatically communicates that. Finally, I'll lead a scriptural lesson illustrating what we can learn from Christ's ministry model.
Along with all of this students will be recruited for activities, specifically New Student Outreach. This is a critical time to connect with freshman and transfer students as they arrive at WSU.
I do want to describe some of how we're doing in the neighborhood. We're looking into some prospects for our final house and learning a lot along the way. Please pray for that. Pray specifically that we can find a place where students will e
ventually be able to be plugged in that they might learn and serve. Detroit has also been the sight of two major industrial fires recently. The one on Monday made national news. I'm not sure yet about the fire today. This is a city already in great need. Big industrial fires, however, are not on that list. Finally, we had a fun surprise on Tuesday. The mayor of Detroit, Governor of Michigan, and other VIPs had a press conference on neighborhood produce stores and distribution in the empty lot directly next to our house.
Included are some pictures of the neighborhood.
I've been meeting with some of the student leaders and tonight we have a g
Along with all of this students will be recruited for activities, specifically New Student Outreach. This is a critical time to connect with freshman and transfer students as they arrive at WSU.
I do want to describe some of how we're doing in the neighborhood. We're looking into some prospects for our final house and learning a lot along the way. Please pray for that. Pray specifically that we can find a place where students will e
Included are some pictures of the neighborhood.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The House on Hazelwood
Welcome to the first post from Detroit. Sorry for the delay but internet access has been limited.
A few highlights as I try to keep things short:
Luke and I have met with the student exec team and are excited for all that is coming up on campus. Following that meeting yesterday, we went to our supervisor's house with the other new staff member to meet together and get some work done.
Check out the video tour of our house on by searching "The House on Hazelwood"
If it's not up yet, try back later once it has time to process. We're looking forward to visitors to take the real tour!
Coming up:
This weekend I'll be attending a conference on fund development followed by an area staff meeting on Monday.
A few highlights as I try to keep things short:
Luke and I have met with the student exec team and are excited for all that is coming up on campus. Following that meeting yesterday, we went to our supervisor's house with the other new staff member to meet together and get some work done.
Check out the video tour of our house on by searching "The House on Hazelwood"
If it's not up yet, try back later once it has time to process. We're looking forward to visitors to take the real tour!
Coming up:
This weekend I'll be attending a conference on fund development followed by an area staff meeting on Monday.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
In exactly one week Luke, Matt, and I will be living together in Detroit. We've been preparing for the move in a number of ways lately. It is certainly an exciting time.
August 4th-6th Luke and I spent at our Intervarsity regional conference. It was a helpful time to get together with staff from Michigan, Western PA, Ohio, and West Virginia to discuss the coming semester. Equally valuable was time Luke and I had to meet with Ann, our supervisor and discuss the specific roles each of us will have on campus. More on that in the future.
As the moving date approaches, we're also getting details worked out for the move. The Hebron Church Blessing Board has been incredibly generous, meeting a number of our needs. Now we're down to packing and loading the U-Haul.
As for housing, we've settled on a temporary place offered to us. We all agreed that more time was needed to make our final decision on exact neighborhoods and houses. We hope to have that figured out once we have more time to look around.
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