Friday, October 2, 2009

The Drought is Over

Many apologies for the lack of communication. The good news is, there has been so much good stuff going on that I haven't had time to get to a place where I can sit down and use the internet for a decent span of time. More good news is that it looks like we'll finally be moving into the new house tomorrow. This includes regular internet access and time to actually update more often. My camera battery charger will also be arriving soon so pictures will return as well. I do take seriously your commitment and interest in this ministry and look forward to be able to keep you in the loop as much as possible.

Some highlights:

Two of my main duties, leading a freshman small group and coordinating all the small groups have been huge blessings. I'm talking, literally blessing me. It has been so fun and exciting to work with the other leaders, share ideas and struggles, and equip them to lead on campus. We certainly need prayer for God to continue moving in us and our groups.

Small group has been so encouraging. We're studying the book of Acts this semester. Our focus is to reflect the community described in Acts chapter two; a completely selfless community sharing and devoted to one-another. Last week we studied Acts 3 and looked at the healing in Jesus' name of a man crippled from birth. Among other things we talked about how God has healed hurts and disabilities in our lives and how He wants us to tell our story and be a part of His healing of people all around campus and the city. A number of students opened up about some of the pain they have experienced in their lives, how that is affecting them now as freshmen, and what God is doing through them. I cannot understate what a privilege it is to be a part of this journey with them. To be in a group that is so open and supportive of one-another is a beautiful thing to see. I thank God for what He is doing in this group and the gift it is to be a part of it.

This has been a busy week. Aside from the usual small group, large group, and leader's meeting, we have been pressing on towards our goals. We do not want to be a group that settles after the first few weeks of campus our over. Tuesday, Luke and I, along with three other students, set-up a proxe table in the middle of the dining area in the student center. This is a tool to get people talking about issues that matter to them and to God. Hopefully, it leads to a chance to share the Gospel. Our theme was "Religion: Why I hate/love it." We had a board where students could write their response to that prompt. We had a number of great conversations with students and the students working with us who were new to this type of thing caught on quickly and did very well.

Yesterday we had an open-air preaching event. The idea was to present the Gospel in a variety of mediums in a way in-which students could relate. This is especially in contrast to hateful messages proclaimed on so many campuses every year. Again, great conversations started and a number of people expressed an interest in the message and checking out InterVarsity!

1 comment:

  1. keep the updates coming glad things are going well...and you guys are all in my prayers : )
